Welcome to another episode of The Marketer’s Edge, a series designed to share senior level marketing perspective about marketer challenges, opportunities, and agency relationships. Our goal is to help marketers and agencies learn from other marketers across different industries.  Today, we are talking with Aaron Ahedo, the Director of International Marketing and Broadcast Strategy for Deborah Lippmann, a beauty products company.

What We Discussed:

In today’s interview with Aaron Ahedo, we discussed a wide variety of issues:

  • What Aaron feels some of the biggest changes have been in the beauty/personal care space since he first started working in it, in 2006.
  • How the company he works for, Deborah Lippmann, adjusted to address these changes.
  • How an independent firm like Deborah Lippmann stays on trend/on top of what consumer needs and wants are.
  • The market for the products that Deborah Lippmann sells is a rather competitive one.  Aaron talked about how he works to help the company differentiate itself – both in terms of the messaging/positioning, but also in how he engages with his end-consumers.
  • What Aaron learned from his global marketing experience prior to Deborah Lippmann, specifically with the time he spent at eShave New York – and how he’s applied that to the global marketing work he has done for Deborah Lippmann
  • Advice he would give to marketers thinking about bringing a new agency on board.
  • And lastly, if an agency was trying to knock down Aaron’s door and attempting to win business from him, the advice he would give them.

Thanks Aaron for a great interview!

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